“It is hope for the future and faith that are the fuel that keeps us alive and running!”
ASSCM’s mission is to create a knowledge base platform that will assist high schools, colleges and universities in educating our nation’s future on a larger, more robust scale; partner together for research and grant opportunities; and help facilitate enhancements in supply chain, manufacturing, and robotics technology or SMaRT education programs in preparation for industry needs. Headquartered in Huntsville, Alabama, ASSCM will promote our technology, insight, and training to not only help fulfill the State of Alabama’s education and industry needs, but we will also promote nationally and internationally in the future. We are committed to crafting and cultivating: technology, comprehensive instruction, and training resources.
We believe that a strong supply chain, manufacturing and robotics sector is essential to the economic prosperity of Alabama, the United States and globally. By providing our students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in these fields, we are helping to build a more competitive and viable future by preparing students and professionals in their career paths. A green and renewable supply chain that includes advanced manufacturing facilities with robotics technology integration is essential to the long-term health of our planet. We are also committed to providing guidance to students and professionals about recyclable practices, and eco-friendly solutions.